woman in shower with hard water

We've all heard that hard water is hard on your pilus, but what exactly is hard h2o, how is it ruining your hair and most importantly—what tin can yous do well-nigh information technology?

We've all heard that hard h2o is hard on your hair, merely what exactly is hard water, how is it ruining your hair and nigh importantly—what tin can you practice well-nigh it? If these questions take you scratching your head, don't worry. We have 5 simple tips yous can do today to help prevent the tiresome, damaged pilus hard water can crusade.


What is hard h2o?

When pure rainwater filters through rocks, soil and fifty-fifty sand, it naturally picks upwards mineral salts like calcium and magnesium. While these accumulated minerals aren't generally harmful to health, they are tough on your hair. As h2o accumulates these minerals, they react with shampoos, conditioners and soaps to reduce effectiveness.

Difficult H2o and Hair

The minerals in hard water mix with shampoo to form a salt, which leaves a residue on the surface of your hair and scalp. This film tends to block moisturizers in your conditioner from absorbing, leaving your hair dry, prone to tangles and vulnerable to breakage. If breakage goes unchecked, it tin can lead to the advent of thinning hair.

magnifying woman's hair

How can you protect your hair from difficult water?

Try these quick and piece of cake remedies for hard h2o harm that will assistance revive your locks in no time:

man in shower

1. Shower Head H2o Filters

These filters are like shooting fish in a barrel to find at whatever home improvement store in your area and they're relatively simple to install. Shower head filters greatly reduce minerals and chlorine in your water to give you a leg upward in the boxing against hard water.

ii. Clarifying Shampoos

Try a clarifying shampoo once a week to help remove mineral build-upwards. It can wash abroad whatever lingering residuum and aid restore shine.

3. Naturally Acidic Rinses

Apple tree cider vinegar or the juice from a lemon or lime can decrease mineral build-up. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar or citrus juice with three cups of purified bottled h2o and work the solution through your wet hair. Leave it on for v minutes, so rinse thoroughly.

4. Moisturizing Masks and Exit-In Conditioners

Utilise a moisturizing hair mask or leave-in conditioner once a week to offset the drying effects of hard water.

5. Purified Bottled Water

Try a last rinse with purified bottled h2o before yous step out of the shower.

Is breakage making your hair appear thinner? Hair Club can assist. Explore our hair loss products and services. They can help yous terminate further loss, promote regrowth and restore moisture and life to your pilus and scalp.